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Activities and places to visit

  • Tandem flights
    Experience Emberger Alm from an eagle's perspective. An unforgettable experience. 
  • Guided hikes
    Info hike, sunrise hike, family hike This way you get to know Emberger Alm under an expert's guidance.
  • "Brettlrutschen"
    Dash down the freshly mowed mountain slopes on traditional wooden planks, handmade with love. Sledging in summer! Notoriously known as "grassboarding" among our youngsters.
  • Pony riding
  • Mountain biking
    Ambitious bikers can for example go to Oberberger Alm, down to the valley and back up to Emberger Alm again.
  • Bathing lake Greifenburg
  • Public swimming pool Berg
  • Drauaktiv
    The leisure activities in the Oberes Drautal valley at a glance
  • The sport school DrauSport/Oberdrautaler Sportschule
    will be happy to help you out with your individual leisure activities at Emberger Alm and in the Oberes Drautal valley.

How about a trip to our surroundings?

  • City trip to Lienz or Spittal
  • Boat tour on the Weissensee lake
  • Shopping in Greifenburg and Berg im Drautal
  • "Drautalperle" in Spittal (indoor pool)

We happily provide more information on request!

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