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Sattlegger's Alpenhof Hotel

So close to the stars at Emberger Alm

Once a summer cabin for alpine herdsmen, we became a *** comfort hotel - in the course of three generations. Natural coziness and a comfortable atmosphere, that is what makes Sattlegger's Alpenhof Hotel so charming. Whoever thinks that modern comfort does not go well with traditional charm will stand corrected at Emberger Alm. You will experience a personal hospitality that reaches beyond the Heidi-clichés and soon, the newly acquainted become good friends. To perfect your holidays, you are of course welcome to bring along your four-legged companion.

Whether you already are an astronomer or wish to become one, 1,800 m above sea level you seem to be able to reach for the stars. The mind-blowing view of the Milky Way at Emberger Alm dazzles laymen and seasoned astronomers alike and everyone is welcome to indulge in the night's sky during a "star-hike".

Experience the alp and its secrets during a botanic hike through the mountain's flora, guided by experts.
And whoever is looking for more of a thrill will find lots of sport possibilities. How about hang-gliding, paragliding or a tandem flight above the Drautal valley, for example?

Sattlegger's Alpenhof Hotel
Thomas Sattlegger

Emberger Alm 2
9771 Berg im Drautal

Telephone: +43 4712 796
Fax: +43 4712 7966

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